September 4, 2023

CEOs and Founders can make mistakes.

I’ve made so many, I lost count.

Here’s one I make all the time 👇

Someone presents a problem…I immediately jump into problem-solving mode.But someone once told me that sometimes (or most of the time) we’re not the problem solvers.

A good board member, CEO, or founder, is one that LISTENS and REFLECTS.

I never thought about it that way. 🤯I shouldn’t be the one coming up with all the solutions.

Only the solutions no one else can solve.Yes, there’s a difference.As CEO, you need to execute on things only you can do.

Everything else needs to be delegated.

This way you have sufficient headspace to think clearly and calmly.Here’s a reminder to myself and anyone else who needs to hear this:

📍 You’re not supposed to solve all the problems.Check out more mistakes you can avoid in the slides below ⬇

⚠ Sharing too many ideas before they're fully baked

⚠ Doing too much at the same time

⚠ Being impatient

I’ve been there. You’re not alone.

What’s your biggest mistake as a CEO/Founder? 💬